Knowledge Centre
1. Demolition of Society Property for Redevelopment
2. What is Refuge Area in High Rise Building
3. Fungible FSI – Video Interview Given By The Author DILIP SHAH To LEGALPANDITS.COM
4. Causes of construction defects in redevelopment of housing society
5. Why Occupancy Certificate is Important
6. Property Card Offices In Mumbai
7. Deemed Conveyance Before Redevelopment Of Housing Society
8. What Is Niche Area In A Flat
9. Fungible Fsi: A New Golden Goose of BMC
10. Redevelopment: Ills, Evils & Epidemics
11. Service Tax Payable by Co-Operative Housing Societies
12. The First Ever Order Passed for Deemed Conveyance
13. Procedure for Obtaining Duplicate Share Certificate from Housing Society
14. Norms to File Complaint with BMC Against Unauthorized Constructions
15. Difference Between Housing Society and Apartments Owners Association/Condominium
16. No Stamp Duty on New Flats Acquired by Rehab Members after Redevelopment

All about the Non-Occupancy Charges in a Housing Society
HC on No Pre-Condition of Individual Agreement to Execute Before CC Issued by BMC
TDR on Private & Internal Roads
Member In Housing Society Cannot Merge Flats Without Bmc Permission
GR On Filling Up Of Casual Vacancy In Managing Committee

High-Rise Buildings now Permitted on Narrow Roads
Tenants of Non-Cessed Buildings to Get Ownership Flats after Redevelopment
Redevelopment of Old Buildings and Housing Societies Under Section 33(7), 33(7)a and 33(7)b
New Redevelopment Rules under Sect.79 (A) of MCS ACT, 1961 w.e.f. 4Th July, 2019
Consent of 51% for Redevelopment of Mhada, Cessed, SRA and Small Buildings

- New Redevelopment Rules under Sect.79 (A) of MCS ACT, 1961 w.e.f. 4Th July, 2019
- Difference Between Housing Society and Apartments Owners Association/Condominium
- Bombay HC rescues the majority of members to win over redevelopment
- What is Refuge Area in High Rise Building
- Redevelopment of Old Buildings and Housing Societies Under Section 33(7), 33(7)a and 33(7)b