Redevelopment Matters
1. Vigilance and Warnings in Redevelopment
2. Redevelopment of Housing Societies... the evil side of fairy-tale
3. Why Redevelopment Projects of Housing Societies are being Delayed
4. How to select a good builder for redevelopment of any housing society
5. Redevelopment of Housing Society that you want to know
6. Redevelopment of Housing Society - all that glitter is not gold
7. Fungible FSI in new DCR (Development Control Rules)
8. Documents Required at Various Occasions for Redevelopment of Housing Societies
9. Inside The Redevelopment of Housing Societies
10. FSI Norms For Redevelopment Across Mumbai
11. Importance of Scrutiny and Vetting of Redevelopment Documents
12. What is Tender Document in Redevelopment
13. Documents Relating to Redevelopment of Housing Societies
14. Prior Permission from Dy. Registrar Before Redevelopment is Must
15. No Demolition of Tenanted Buildings Without a Commencement Certificate
16. How to Draft Development Agreement
17. Society Cannot Terminate Development Agreement without Permission from Maha Rera
18. Documents to Be Attached With the Development Agreement for Registration
19. Self-Redevelopment – A Better Option for Co-Operative Housing Societies
Society Matters
1. Fungible FSI and Cessed Buildings in Mumbai
2. Standard Amenities from Builders in Redevelopment
3. Expulsion of a Member in Co-Operative Housing Society
4. Recovery of dues from society defaulters
5. Frauds in Co-Op Housing Societies – now a Criminal Offence
6. Constitution of Redevelopment Committee
7. Salient Features of 97th Constitutional Amendment
8. MCs: Do not Neglect Leakage Issues
9. Why Conveyance of Land for Housing Society is Important
10. Managerial Disorders and Ill-Governance in Housing Societies
11. Who can be an Associate Membership in a Housing Society
12. Associate Membership as Per Model Bye Law - 02.09.2014
13. Car Parking - A Major Threat to Mumbai
14. Guidelines on Adoption, Amendments and Submission of Bye-Laws – 2014
15. Dy. Registrar 'K' East Ward Dismisses 3 Associate Members From The Committee
16. Associate Member's Name Cannot Appear In Voting List If Not The Co-Owner In Flat
17. District Consumer Forum On Housing Society Can Allot Only One Car Parking Space To Each Member
18. Major Important Changes In Mcs Act, Rules And Bye-Laws - 2014
19. GR on Filling Up of Casual Vacancy in Managing Committee
20. Member In Housing Society Cannot Merge Flats Without BMC Permission
21. TDR on Private & Internal Roads  Â
22. HC on No Pre-Condition of Individual Agreement to Execute Before CC Issued By BMC
23. All About the Non-Occupancy Charges in a housing society
Builders' Concern
1. Corruption, Dishonesty and Frauds in Redevelopment
2. Redevelopment Projects in Mumbai are Plagued with Delay
3. Developers to Handover Flats to Mhada on Redevelopment Under DCR 33(7)
4. Mhada Powered to Permit Higher FSI for Redevelopment of Cessed Buildings under DCR 33(7)
Govt. Policies
1. Drawbacks and disadvantages in Govt. Guidelines for Redevelopment
2. Flat Purchasers Betrayed: No Protection in the Proposed Maharashtra Housing (Regulation & Development) Bill 2012
3. Indemnity Bond in form m 20 Abolished from 6th Sept. 2012
4. Know all About Vat on Properties Purchased
5. Vat, a Riddle to Generate more Riddles
6. Deemed Conveyance - Ready to Take Off
7. Ready Recknor Rates Up Again
8. 97 Constitutional Amendment – Injurious to Health of Housing Societies
9. Flats now more costly in Mumbai Banam Shanghai
10.Capital Based Texation To Crucify Property Owners in Mumbai
11. Reality Regulatory Bill 2013 - Success Under Suspicion
12.Tenants of Cessed Buildings in Mumbai Insured For Rs. 5 Lakhs Per Family
13. FSI Increase From 2.5 to 3 for Mhada Houses
14.TDR Policy Needs to be Reformed
15. Non-Execution of Indemnity Bond by MC Before September 6th, 2012
16.Developers shall be Screened by Mhada for Redevelopment Work
17. Redevelopment, A Disgust of Developers
18. Online Registration of All Registered Housing Societies is CompulsoryÂ
19. Consent of 51% for Redevelopment of Mhada, Cessed, SRA and Small Buildings
20.Tanants of Non-Cessed Building to Get Ownership Flats after RedevelopmentÂ
21. New Redevelopment Rules Under Sect.79 (A) of MCS Act, 1961 W.E.F.4th 2019
22.Revelopment of Old Buildings and Housing Societies Under Section 33-7-33-7-a-and-33-7-b
23. High-Rise Buildings now Permitted on Narrow Roads

All about the Non-Occupancy Charges in a Housing Society
HC on No Pre-Condition of Individual Agreement to Execute Before CC Issued by BMC
TDR on Private & Internal Roads
Member In Housing Society Cannot Merge Flats Without Bmc Permission
GR On Filling Up Of Casual Vacancy In Managing Committee

High-Rise Buildings now Permitted on Narrow Roads
Tenants of Non-Cessed Buildings to Get Ownership Flats after Redevelopment
Redevelopment of Old Buildings and Housing Societies Under Section 33(7), 33(7)a and 33(7)b
New Redevelopment Rules under Sect.79 (A) of MCS ACT, 1961 w.e.f. 4Th July, 2019
Consent of 51% for Redevelopment of Mhada, Cessed, SRA and Small Buildings

- New Redevelopment Rules under Sect.79 (A) of MCS ACT, 1961 w.e.f. 4Th July, 2019
- Difference Between Housing Society and Apartments Owners Association/Condominium
- Bombay HC rescues the majority of members to win over redevelopment
- What is Refuge Area in High Rise Building
- Redevelopment of Old Buildings and Housing Societies Under Section 33(7), 33(7)a and 33(7)b